
36% of Yellowstone National Park burned in 1988.

US National Park Highpoints

– Sorted by National Park Name

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Highpoint Name National Park Code Quadrangle FY 2004
FY 2004
St N Lat
Deg Min
W Lon
Deg Min
1 1,528 Cadillac Mtn Acadia ACAD Seal Harbor   M 2,207,996 47,390 46.592 ME 44 21.07 68 13.58
2 3,160 Lata Mtn American Samoa NPSA Manua Islands   M 969 9,000 0.108 AS -14 14.36 169 27.00
3 5,653 Elephant Butte Arches ARCH The Windows Section   i 731,454 76,519 9.559 UT 38 41.75 109 32.41
4 3,345 Red Shirt Table Badlands BADL Red Shirt SW   M 937,684 242,756 3.863 SD 43 31.14 102 53.13
5 7,825 Emory Pk Big Bend BIBE Emory Peak   M 363,119 801,163 0.453 TX 29 14.77 103 18.32
6 9
Totten Key
Old Rhodes Key
Biscayne BISC Elliot Key   M
Pacific Reef
469,122 172,924 2.713 FL 25 22.96
25 21.22
80 14.84
80 14.64
7 9,040

Poison Spring Hill
Poison Spring Ridge
Black Canyon
of the Gunnison
BLCA Grizzly Ridge   M

Grizzly Ridge
175,406 32,950 5.323 CO 38 33.31

38 33.08
107 38.68

107 38.02
8 9,115 Rainbow Point Bryce Canyon BRCA Rainbow Point   M 989,950 35,835 27.625 UT 37 28.54 112 14.41
9 7,160 Cathedral Mesa Canyonlands CANY Cathedral Butte   M 371,706 337,598 1.101 UT 37 58.77 109 43.45
10 8,960 “Billings Point” Capitol Reef CARE Flat Top   M 547,619 241,904 2.264 UT 38 26.35 111 25.06
11 6,535 Guadalupe Ridge Carlsbad Caverns CAVE Gunsight Canyon   M 416,815 46,766 8.913 NM 32 07.37 104 39.64
12 2,475
Devils Pk (Inholding)
El Montañon (NPS)
Channel Islands CHIS Santa Cruz Island B   M
Santa Cruz Island D
511,307 249,561 2.049 CA 34 01.75
34 01.12
119 47.06
119 34.58
13 145 “Cedar Heights” Congaree CONG Gadsden   M 126,247 22,200 5.687 SC 33 50.73 80 49.70
14 8,929 Scott, Mt Crater Lake CRLA Crater Lake East   M 419,448 183,224 2.289 OR 42 55.37 122 00.98
15 1,175

“Metro Point”
(Metro Parks)
“Coliseum Point” (NPS)
Cuyahoga Valley CUVA Northfield   M

3,215,343 32,861 97.847 OH 41 15.60

41 15.23
81 37.23

81 36.48
16 11,048 Telescope Peak Death Valley DEVA Telescope Peak   M 738,522 3,372,402 0.219 CA 36 10.19 117 05.35
17 20,320 Deanli - South Pk Denali DENA Talkeetna D-3   M 404,265 6,075,030 0.067 AK 63 04.15 151 00.43
18 10 Loggerhead Key Dry Tortugas DRTO Dry Tortugas   M 67,049 64,701 1.036 FL 24 38.00 82 55.16
19 12 Grossman Hammock Everglades EVER Grossman Hammock   M 1,181,351 1,508,538 0.783 FL 25 36.88 80 35.05
20 8,276 Igikpak, Mt Gates of the Arctic GAAR Survey Pass B-4   M 10,282 8,472,506 0.001 AK 67 24.76 154 57.94
21 10,466 Cleveland, Mt Glacier GLAC Mt Cleveland   M 2,032,730 1,013,572 2.006 MT 48 55.49 113 50.89
22 15,300 Fairweather, Mt Glacier Bay GLBA Mt Fairweather D-5   M 353,680 3,283,246 0.108 AK 58 54.38 137 31.58
23 9,180 Lookout Tower Ridge Grand Canyon GRCA Little Park Lake   M 4,308,549 1,217,403 3.539 AZ 36 20.23 112 06.30
24 13,770 Grand Teton Grand Teton GRTE Grand Teton   M 2,353,470 309,995 7.592 WY 43 44.47 110 48.15
25 13,063 Wheeler Peak Great Basin GRBA Wheeler Peak   M 79,944 77,180 1.036 NV 38 59.14 114 18.84
26 10,520 “Herard Ridge” Great Sand Dunes GRSA Liberty   M 267,866 84,670 3.164 CO 37 49.42 105 30.56
27 6,643 Clingmans Dome Great Smoky Mtns GRSM Clingmans Dome   M 9,205,037 521,752 17.642 NC 35 33.77 83 29.91
28 8,749 Guadalupe Pk Guadalupe Mtns GUMO Guadalupe Peak   M 182,071 86,416 2.107 TX 31 53.48 104 51.64
29 10,023 Haleakala - Red Hill Haleakala HALE Kilohana   M 1,455,472 29,094 50.026 HI 20 42.79 156 15.42
30 13,679 Mauna Loa Hawaii Volcanoes HAVO Mauna Loa   M 1,306,227 323,431 4.039 HI 19 28.54 155 36.33
31 1,410 Music Mtn Hot Springs HOSP Hot Springs North   M 1,418,735 5,550 255.628 AR 34 30.41 93 06.06
32 1,394 Desor, Mt Isle Royale ISRO Sugar Mountain   M 17,280 571,790 0.030 MI 47 57.75 89 00.71
33 5,820 Quail Mtn Joshua Tree JOTR Indian Cove   M 1,219,379 789,745 1.544 CA 34 00.44 116 14.49
34 7,650 Griggs, Mt - Knife Pk Katmai KATM Mount Katmai B-4   M 56,787 3,669,521 0.015 AK 58 21.05 155 05.66
35 6,450 “McCarty Pk” Kenai Fjords KEFJ Seldova D-1   M 244,111 669,983 0.364 AK 59 48.45 150 09.37
36 14,242 North Palisade Kings Canyon KICA North Palisade   M 525,035 461,901 1.137 CA 37 05.65 118 30.87
37 4,750 Angayukaqsraq, Mt Kobuk Valley KOVA Baird C-1   M 4,744 1,750,737 0.003 AK 67 42.50 159 24.34
38 10,197 Redoubt Volcano Lake Clark LACL Kenai B-8   M 4,906 4,030,025 0.001 AK 60 29.11 152 44.64
39 10,457 Lassen Pk Lassen Volcanic LAVO Lassen Peak   M 379,556 106,372 3.568 CA 40 29.29 121 30.29
40 930 Mammoth Cave Ridge Mammoth Cave MACA Mammoth Cave   M 1,888,126 52,830 35.740 KY 37 09.35 86 02.98
41 8,571 Park Point Lookout Mesa Verde MEVE Point Lookout   M 446,811 51,526 8.672 CO 37 16.84 108 27.69
42 14,410 Rainier, Mt Mount Rainier MORA Mt Rainier West   M 1,220,220 235,625 5.179 WA 46 51.17 121 45.63
43 9,220 Goode Mtn North Cascades NOCA Goode Mountain   M 372,938 684,302 0.545 WA 48 28.99 120 54.69
44 7,969 Olympus, Mt Olympic OLYM Mount Olympus   M 3,047,234 922,651 3.303 WA 47 48.08 123 42.65
45 6,234 Pilot Rock Petrified Forest PEFO Pilot Rock   M 578,310 93,533 6.183 AZ 35 09.13 109 52.61
46 3,304 North Chalone Pk Pinnacles PINN North Chalone Pk   M 157,397 24,514 6.421 CA 36 26.86 121 11.74
47 3,262 “Coyote Rest” Redwood REDW Hupa Mountain   M 391,282 112,512 3.478 CA 41 07.38 123 50.95
48 14,255 Longs Peak Rocky Mountain ROMO Longs Peak   M 2,784,310 265,828 10.474 CO 40 15.30 105 36.91
49 8,664 Mica Mtn Saguaro SAGU Mica Mountain   M 661,442 91,440 7.234 AZ 32 13.19 110 32.60
50 14,495 Whitney, Mt Sequoia SEQU Mt Whitney   M 1,000,177 402,482 2.485 CA 36 34.71 118 17.54
51 4,050 Hawksbill Shenandoah SHEN Big Meadows   M 1,262,709 199,045 6.344 VA 38 33.32 78 23.72
52 2,870 Peck Hill Theodore Roosevelt THRO Fryburg NW   M 474,192 70,447 6.731 ND 46 54.33 103 24.82
53 1,262 Bordeaux Mtn Virgin Islands VIIS Western Saint John   M 800,931 14,689 54.526 VI 18 20.20 64 43.66
54 1,405 “Tower Hill” Voyageurs VOYA Ash River NE   M 240,587 218,200 1.103 MN 48 24.76 92 49.73
55 5,013 Rankin Ridge Wind Cave WICA Mount Coolidge   M 593,880 28,295 20.989 SD 43 37.52 103 28.95
56 18,008 Saint Elias, Mt Wrangell-St. Elias WRST Mt Saint Elias B-8   M 57,221 13,175,901 0.004 AK 60 17.56 140 55.85
57 11,367 Eagle Peak Yellowstone YELL Eagle Peak   M 2,866,785 2,219,791 1.292 WY 44 19.21 110 01.61
58 13,114 Lyell, Mt Yosemite YOSE Mount Lyell   M 3,272,155 761,266 4.298 CA 37 44.36 119 16.30
59 8,726 Horse Ranch Mtn Zion ZION Kolob Arch   M 2,672,995 146,598 18.234 UT 37 28.69 113 09.59

Notes by Gerry Roach

  1. There are 63 highpoints on this list covering 59 parks in 25 states and 2 territories.

  2. In this list, “Rank” is Rank by Elevation, not Rank by Prominence.

  3. Outside Alaska, all maps listed are USGS 7.5 minute quadrangles unless otherwise indicated. Except for Biscayne, which has two spots, the first map listed shows the highpoint.

  4. The datum for the Latitude and Longitude is WGS84/NAD83.

  5. Park designation is independent of land ownership and land management. The highpoints of two parks, Black Canyon of the Gunnison and Channel Islands, are on private property, and for these parks, two highpoints are listed, the private one and the highest point managed by the National Park Service.

  6. Biscayne National Park has two spot elevations of 9 feet on two different keys, and both these spots are listed.

  7. The 2004 visitation number for the National Park of American Samoa is unavailable. The number given is the average of the 2002 and 2003 visitation.
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